5 Tips For Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Tips For Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Seasonal allergies can be a real nuisance, especially in the Spring when all you want is to enjoy the fresh air after a long winter. Unfortunately, you’re stuck going from the stuffy indoors to dealing with a stuffy nose. Before you throw in the towel, I’m going to let you in on a secret, you can manage seasonal allergies naturally using these 5 tips for natural seasonal allergy relief.

Sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, and the signature stuffy nose all accompany seasonal allergies. Instead of taking a Zyrtec every time you feel blurry-eyed, you can manage your seasonal allergies with functional medicine. 

The functional medicine approach looks to the root cause of your allergies. This may come as a surprise to you, but it isn’t just the change in temperature or the abundance of pollen that causes seasonal allergies. 

What Causes Seasonal Allergies? 

Seasonal allergies are common throughout the spring or fall. Although, some people will tell you their allergies last all year long. 

During these times of the year, flowers are blooming, trees bud, pollen and mold spores fill the air. Combine these seasonal offenders with the myriad of environmental toxins and dust we are constantly exposed to, and it’s no wonder our aggravated immune systems produce an increase in allergy symptoms! 

When your body encounters foreign invaders, it triggers the production of inflammatory molecules. Those molecules induce histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. The thing is, your body considers pollen to be a foreign invader and begins to signal the alarm bells.

So, what do these molecules do? 

They signal to your immune system that it’s time to charge into battle and eliminate foreign substances. It’s a complex system meant to keep you healthy. It also leaves you the victim of friendly fire. You suffer from allergy symptoms that can range from mild runny noses to full-blown, serious asthma attacks.

The Functional Medicine Approach to Allergies 

Functional medicine helps your immune system keep you healthy with fewer seasonal allergy symptoms in the process. 

This is probably the last word you want to hear right now, but there is an epidemic of allergies, both food and seasonal, sweeping the country. It’s no coincidence. The average individual in the United States encounters so many more substances and toxins that burden their immune system than ever before. 

The CDC estimates that almost 29 million adults suffer from sinus congestion on a daily basis, a condition known as chronic sinusitis. To put that into perspective, that’s almost 12% of adults. Chronic sinusitis is linked to nasal swelling caused by allergies. Dust, dander, or pollen trigger the release of histamine. This causes the inner lining of the nose to swell and block your sinus passage. 

But, why do some people suffer more from allergies than others? 

There are three things that primarily impact an allergic response: 

  • Diet 
  • Environmental exposure
  • Digestive function 

Changes in these three things, along with genetic factors, can influence the immune cells that control your inflammatory response. 

The functional medicine approach to allergies starts by treating your body’s immune response. We don’t try to cover up symptoms, instead, a functional medicine practitioner looks to the root cause. 

Treating an immune dysfunction to improve allergies starts with clinical laboratory testing, targeted supplementation, and taking steps to reduce gut inflammation.

People with allergies often also suffer from nutritional deficiencies. That’s why targeted supplementation of magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamins C and D, and Omega-3 can all be important to managing seasonal allergies. 

Optimizing your intake of nutrients is a crucial factor in the regulation of immune cells involved in triggering allergic reactions, such as T regulatory cells.  The role of these cells is to hit the off switch on unwanted inflammatory immune reactions that create allergy symptoms. 

Reducing inflammation and optimizing nutrients help immune cells do their job without triggering dysfunction and therefore an increase in allergy symptoms.

5 Tips For Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

In order to prevent seasonal allergies from flaring up again and again, you need to heal the root cause. It’s important to work with a functional medicine practitioner before self-diagnosing. It often takes lab work and a clear understanding of the body’s various systems to pinpoint the root cause of symptoms.  

However, there are a few tips to manage seasonal allergies naturally so you’re not constantly reaching for the tissue box! Implement these practices for long-term natural seasonal allergy relief.

1. Improve Indoor Air 

Here’s a shocking fact, indoor air can be more polluted than outside air! Dust, pet dander, volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde, and irritants from cleaning products, all swirl around inside your home. 

One way to help manage your seasonal allergies is by improving indoor air. You can reduce indoor air pollution by using a HEPA filter that removes harmful irritants. Make sure your air ducts and vents are free of dust and try to avoid any artificial fragrances. 

2. Exercise 

Working out can be a challenging remedy to implement, especially when your nose is stuffed up. But, just thirty minutes of exercise a day can help alleviate allergy symptoms. Physical activity helps relieve allergies by directing blood flow to your nasal passages, which reduces congestion.

3. Hydrate 

Hydration is important to your overall health, but what you might not know is that it’s especially helpful for managing seasonal allergies. When the respiratory and digestive systems are dehydrated, the immune system will cause a rebound effect leading to nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. 

4. Saline Rinse 

A saline rinse is another way to manage seasonal allergies naturally. A nasal spray will help flush your nasal passages and clear them of inflammatory allergens like pollen and dust. It’s a great way to keep the congestion at bay. 

5. Support Immune Function 

If you have allergies, you have some degree of immune dysfunction. Certain nutrients like vitamin C, quercetin, magnesium, and zinc can all help support your immune function. Of course, before you add any supplements to your diet, speak with your functional medicine practitioner. They will be able to help you overcome your seasonal allergies naturally, from the inside out. 

Experience Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief With Dr.Syke Stewart, FM Doctor in Maryland 

If you need help optimizing your immune health to find lasting natural seasonal allergy relief, please reach out to me. I’m Dr. Skye Stewart, Maryland Functional Medicine Doctor. I use diet, lifestyle, and functional lab testing and analysis to get to the ROOT cause of your allergy symptoms so you don’t have to suffer anymore. Schedule a FREE 10-minute consult to get started!