Functional Medicine Approach to PCOS for Lasting Relief


If you think you have PCOS or have been diagnosed with PCOS and feel frustrated with treatment options, I’m here to tell you that there are answers. You don’t have to struggle with heavy periods, acne, mood swings, and painful cramps forever. Don’t worry; I’m not going to tell you that the birth control pill is your only option to fix all these problems either! 


PCOS can be addressed naturally. This article will explain why a functional medicine approach to PCOS is a natural and promising option you’ll want to look into.


Let’s First Understand What PCOS Means

PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. It was once thought to be an endocrine disorder, and some providers still view it as such, but really, it’s a metabolic condition that impacts over 5 million women a year… and that’s just in the United States! In fact, there’s a high chance that you or someone you know is struggling with PCOS since it affects 1 in 10 women.


Unfortunately, this condition is the leading cause of infertility for women and causes other annoying and painful symptoms.  


What exactly is PCOS from a biological standpoint?

PCOS is an insulin resistance issue at the cellular level. This contributes to high levels of insulin in your blood, called hyperinsulinemia. So your liver, which produces insulin, is pumping it out, but since your cell isn’t able to bring it into the cell, it leads to increased insulin levels floating around in your bloodstream.


When there’s a bunch of insulin in your bloodstream and not in your cells, it can stimulate your ovaries and lead to hyperandrogenism (aka high testosterone levels), and it can decrease the synthesis of your sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).


When hormones are bound to SHBG, they are functionally ineffective. So when your levels of SHBG are low and the production of testosterone is high, you end up with high circulating testosterone/androgen levels and those embarrassing symptoms (facial hair, acne, and hair loss). 


Women can be diagnosed with PCOS if they show 2 out of the 3 criteria below:

  1. Have irregular periods
  2. Show higher levels of androgen (male hormones) in blood tests or through symptoms like acne, male-pattern balding, or extra hair growth on your face, chin, or body.
  3. An ultrasound shows cysts in your ovaries


Conventional Approach to PCOS

If you go to a conventional doctor, or even type into Google, “treatment for PCOS”, you may feel discouraged to hear that their approach to PCOS involves putting you on the birth control pill or metformin. While the pill may cover up your symptoms, for the time being, it may actually worsen your condition, making your insulin resistance severity even more dramatic. Not to mention all the other side effects that come along with taking birth control. 


You’re told that in order to get pregnant, you may have to try IVF or other invasive fertility options. If you’ve already experienced this situation, please don’t give up. There are other holistic approaches to PCOS to address it naturally, as we use at our functional medicine practice.


Functional Medicine Approach to PCOS

Unlike the conventional approach, functional medicine uses a more holistic approach to PCOS. Functional health providers get to the root cause of this metabolic condition (aka insulin resistance).


How do you get to the root cause? By making lifestyle tweaks to encourage a healthy cellular environment! 


Diet Choices and PCOS

To begin, avoiding highly processed and pro-inflammatory foods are a great start. Eating whole foods that are nutrient-rich will not only help your PCOS but can enhance your overall health and bodily functions as well. This can also help you avoid nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to PMS symptoms and fertility issues and worsen your PCOS symptoms.


For short-term use, a ketogenic diet may improve insulin sensitivity. This means eating a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb diet (all from healthy food sources). For the long term, transitioning to a carb cycling plan that contains quality sources of carbohydrates like root vegetables, sweet potatoes, quinoa, legumes, vegetables, and squash.


Focusing on Stress to Address PCOS

Cortisol, which is released when you are stressed, has the ability to influence all your hormones and numerous bodily functions (detoxification, inflammation, digestion, and, yes, insulin!). Higher stress leads to higher blood sugar levels and, therefore higher insulin levels. If you constantly struggle with stress, it can lead to insulin resistance. 


By simply adding in some stress-relieving practices throughout your day, you can lower your cortisol levels and help address your PCOS. 


Try yoga, meditation, grounding during your lunch break, or even doing simple breathing exercises. Adaptogenic herbs are also a great way to support your body’s stress response.


Ditch the Toxins to Help PCOS Symptoms

Environmental toxins are just bad news for your hormones. Toxins can mimic hormones, inhibit hormones and just cause havoc! Since one hormone can impact the others, it’s critical that you are doing your best to limit your exposure and lessen your toxic load. 


Be sure to check your everyday products like beauty supplies and household cleaners for toxic ingredients. Ditch your plastic containers, buy organic foods (especially those on the Dirty Dozen list) and filter your water with a high-quality water filter.


When you address the root cause of your PCOS, that’s when you can start seeing relief from your symptoms. Covering up the symptoms can just lead to more severe health consequences in the long term. 


Learning how to live a healthy lifestyle isn’t complicated, but it does take time to make these behavioral changes. Be patient with yourself and know that expert guidance and support is available for you if you’re ready to take your health into your own hands. 


There are natural solutions to PCOS; it’s just a matter of learning about them from the right resources.


Work with a Functional Medicine Doctor in Maryland

If you want more information about a holistic approach to PCOS, book your FREE consultation call with Dr. Stewart. She uses state-of-the-art lab testing & analysis and lifestyle approaches as the first approach in tackling the underlying cause of your PCOS issues for a more natural and long-lasting solution.